Hello, I am Norma, I am qualified in Shiatsu Therapy-Massage and an Advanced Reiki Practitioner. I currently see clients suffering from a variety of problems and enjoy working with them to make better health changes and choices.
I became passionate about therapy and the benefits after receiving Reiki for stress and anxiety over 17 years ago. I have developed a keen interest in the body and how it works/functions. As my journey continues, I have a fascination for Oriental Medicine - after all, our health is the most important thing we have.
My treatment objective is to treat the whole person with an aim to help bring balance and harmony. Shiatsu has a very calming effect and is highly effective in counteracting stress and all the conditions associated with stress. Benefits include improved posture, circulation, and restored energy.
Like acupuncture, Shiatsu focuses on balancing the body’s energy.
The routine involves the use of acupressure points, stretches, and massage techniques. It is a vitalising and uplifting experience. The sequence promotes a sense of wellbeing because muscles relax, blood circulation is increased, and nerve responses are stimulated and through the body.
Shiatsu is a form of massage, carried out whilst fully clothed and without the use of oils. This is an effective treatment that can take place in as little as 15 minutes. It is a fantastic way to relieve tense, aching or cramped muscles in the neck, shoulders, arms and back and to help release any physical or emotional tension.
I have been a member of the Shiatsu Society since August 2008.